Why do I draw things late at night


UST Requests, Usage etcAll USTs are made 100% by me (although there may be the odd song that I either use a midi for, and/or collab with others on. when this happens, credit will of course be given.) all currently can be found alongside my cover via youtube.I do not own any of these songs, or the off vocals. The only thing I have done is create the UST.Please don't edit any USTs I have made claim/redistribute it as your own work. You can of course edit/improve on the UST for personal use, and if there are any errors in my USTs, please tell me so I can update them!VCV to CV is of course allowed- you don't have to ask for this, though for most of my USTs, there is a CV and VCV version of the UST.If you plan on making a vsq/vsqx from one of my USTs, please contact me first <3 I'd just like to know, I will always approve!And currently I'm open to suggestions for USTs- not that I can accept them all (I am still new to UST making and some songs are beyond my skill level... and other songs I just don't want to do ) but If I really like the song, I'm happy to give it a go ! Please credit if you use!! ;w;

Cruel Clocks (Removed as this UST is bad, and Feli put out a MUCH better one- go use that!)
Cruel Clocks UST by felichanxx

Murder Case at The Mansion of Antiquarian Books
Attempted girl/Attempt to be a girl
Common World Domination
Kimi wo Nosete
Sweet sweet cendrillion drug Luka ver.
Heart shooter
Guard and Scythe
Madam Merry Go Round
halloween monster party night
Toluthin Antenna ( UST by both Scott and I)
A lie and a stuffed animal (A lie and a stuffed animal (CV version))
Gyakuzai koushinkyoku
Ball-jointed dolls
The blind girl living in darkness
I'm sorry for liking you
Seventh magic
An Earnest Unrequited Love, Wanting to Make it Bear a Little Happiness
One way route
Paper Plane
I just don't like people
Indulging Idol Syndrome (UST by Spooky-Tan and I )
Black Rose
You're not alone
Marshall's Coquettish Voice
Music Prince
Tower of Decadence
All over the country
Illusion of you
Piece of Junk World
Summer's end, Love's beginning
I want to see you: End
Start Line
Cafe Latte
A Gem, A Riddle, A Princess
Hot Cocoa: A restless night's song
There's Supposed to Be a Cheat Code for Happiness
Again (FMAB opening)
Neoteny Love
Hop! Step! Instant Death! A Happiness Dance Death-Trap